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dc.contributor.authorLouracia, Tahar-
dc.contributor.authorBoukalkoul, El-hadi-
dc.descriptionمقال نشر في المجلة الجزائرية للأمن والتنمية المجلد 10 العدد 01 ص 766-780fr_FR
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to identify the impact of the knowledge sharing behaviour on organizational learning in some firms active in the food industry sector in the region of Annaba. The study population consists of all workers at Mahbouba Company and Seybouse Mills Annaba. A questionnaire was designed to gather data. (82) Questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis. A set of statistical methods was used by the (SPSS 21) software to analyze collected data. The results revealed is the existence of a positive effect between dimensions of knowledge sharing behaviour and organizational learning.fr_FR
dc.publisherالمجلة الجزائرية للأمن والتنميةfr_FR
dc.subjectKnowledge sharing behaviourfr_FR
dc.subjectwritten contributionsfr_FR
dc.subjectOrganizational Communicationfr_FR
dc.subjectPersonal interactionsfr_FR
dc.subjectorganizational learningfr_FR
dc.titleThe Impact Of Knowledge Sharing Behaviour On Organizational Learning In Business Organizationsfr_FR
dc.title.alternativeThe Case Of Some Firms Active In The Food Industry Sector In The Region Of Annabafr_FR
Collection(s) :العدد 01

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