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Titre: Spreading The Message: Public Relations And Communication In The Life And Work Of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Auteur(s): Kirat, Mohamed
Mots-clés: Spreading the Message
Public Relations
the Life and Work of Prophet Muhammad
Date de publication: 1-déc-2009
Editeur: مجلة الإحياء، كلية العلوم الإسلامية، جامعة باتنة1
Référence bibliographique: Mohamed Kirat, Spreading The Message: Public Relations And Communication In The Life And Work Of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Elihyaa Journal, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Batna1 University, vol 11, N° 1, Serial Number 13, December 2009، P-P : 1-26
Collection/Numéro: المجلد 11، العدد 1;
Résumé: Islam is a religion of freedom of speech, right to communication, tolerance and the respect of human beings no matter what they are and who they are. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, (PBUH) as a catalyst and an advocate of Islam and as a messenger of Allah used extensively communication and public relations to introduce new religion and new way of life to the people of Kureish and the Arabic peninsula. The task was not easy, given the fact that people had already their beliefs, traditions and habits. A huge work of persuasion, public relations and communication was necessary to spread the word and explain the new religion to the population of Kureish. The new religion was a radical transformation in the lives, values and habits of people. Life in Kureish before the advent of Islam was based on a tribal system dominated by force, power and by the rule of the strong and the powerful at the expense of justice, equality, law and peace. The whole land was dominated by ignorance, lack of justice, and immorality. People of Arabia were always at war with each other living in an atmosphere of anger, hatred and revenge. When Arabs were not fighting, wine, women and song were their most favorite pastime.
ISSN: 1112-4350
Collection(s) :العدد 01

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