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Titre: Energy Security: An Eto-Cognitive Approach
Auteur(s): Abdelghani, HOUMER
Mots-clés: Concept of energy security
determinants of energy security
energy security
Date de publication: 30-jui-2024
Editeur: جامعة باتنة1-الحاج لخضر
Référence bibliographique: كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية
Collection/Numéro: المجلد 11: العدد02، العدد التسلسلي 29;المجلد 11: العدد02، العدد التسلسلي 29
Résumé: Energy resources, primarily oil and natural gas, have long been crucial for the economies of nations, particularly major industrialized ones. Energy security ranks among the highest priorities for countries as they strive for overall security. Given the significant global changes unfolding across various domains, including energy security, there is a pressing need to focus on conceptual frameworks that can adapt to evolving contexts. This study seeks to analyze conceptual structures pertaining to the concept of energy security, examining it from multiple angles. These perspectives include the geopolitical lens, the environmental standpoint, and the intricate network-based perspective. Through this analysis, the aim is to gain a comprehensive understanding of energy security and its implications.
Description: مقال منشور في المجلد 11-العدد02، العدد التسلسلي29 ،جوان 2024
ISSN: 2352-975x
Collection(s) :العدد 02

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